Academic Fellow
Olympia Konstantakopoulou is an Economist (Department of Management Science and Technology and Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business), with a Master’s degree in Health Management (Department of Nursing, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, NKUA) and a PhD in Public Health, Health Management, Health Economics and Quality Assurance and Improvement in Health Services, (Department of Nursing, NKUA).
She is an Academic Scholar of the Department of Biomedical Sciences since 2020 for the provision of teaching and research work and has taught in several postgraduate study programs of Universities in Greece and abroad (UNIWA, NKUA, Higher Technological Institute of Athens, Frederick University of Cyprus). She has been working as a Senior Researcher at the Center for Health Services Management and Evaluation (NKUA) since 2013, having participated in over 20 funded projects at national, European, and international level in the fields of quality assurance in health, health management, health economics, health policy, public health and education. She has extensive teaching, research, and professional experience in the fields of Statistics/Biostatistics and Study Design/Research Methodology.
She has over 80 publications in prestigious peer-reviewed scientific journals and international conferences, with 622 citations, h-index=12 and i10-index=16 (reference date: 27/11/2023).
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?user=&user=fy18ZiQAAAAJ
Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57189635213