Which groups are targeted?

The Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program (IPPS) target to:

(A) Professionals of preschool education and care, public and private.

(B) Education professionals, public and private.

  • Primary, secondary and tertiary teachers.
  • Education executives of all levels.

(C) Any graduate, employed or not, who wishes to engage in Special Education and the educational and social integration of groups of the population with disabilities.

(D) Other specialized educational, scientific or administrative staff of all levels of education as well as education and care of preschool age.

(E) Executives of organizations and companies of the public and private sector that are interested in employment or are already employed with:

  • Education, training, professional specialization, training and
  • Development of human resources through education-retraining, in-company education and training, etc. a.

(F) Any graduate, employed or not, who wishes to engage in education or pre-school education and care:

  • To acquire theoretical knowledge and specialized skills and abilities for the development of educational programs aimed at all ages and offered either conventionally or remotely with the utilization of new technologies, as well as the necessary knowledge of research methodology in education.
  • To enhance his professional qualifications by acquiring new knowledge (or updating them) in Pedagogical Science by approaching it through innovative theories and technologies