Dr. Frangoulis Iosif

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Iosif Fragkoulis is Professor of Teaching Methodology and Adult Education at the Department of Education of the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE). He is a member of the Teaching Staff and Coordinator of the Thematic Unit “Introduction to Adult Education” in the Hellenic Open University. In undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes he has taught courses related to teaching adult learners and the training of adult educators (Department of Education of ASPETE, Department of Educational Sciences and Social Work of the University of Patras, Department of Primary Education of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia, Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of West Attica).

He has published a considerable number of papers in edited volumes and in Greek and foreign education journals in the field of teaching adult learners, education of vulnerable social groups, experiential and collaborative teaching methodology, mentoring, as well as in-company education and training.